Chapter39:不要让我知道你过的不好,也不要(2 / 2)
Years after the war...after the marriages,the children...the divorces,the books...he had e to paris with his wife.He had phoned her.He was intimidated...his voice trembled...and with had found the accent of China again.He knew she’d begun writing books.He had also heard about the younger brother’s death.He had been sad for her...and then he’d told her...he had told her that it was as before...that he still loved her...that he would never stop loving her...that he would love her until his death...
祝秋音的相关话题开始在网上传开,怀着身孕的她与新婚先生乘坐的直升机与总台失联,坐标在沙漠消失,目前生死不知,网上一片祈祷声。生命就是这么无常,林汐被辣椒油呛的一个劲咳嗽,没醒好的赤霞珠口感稍带酸涩,今日她同死神擦肩而过。 ↑返回顶部↑
Years after the war...after the marriages,the children...the divorces,the books...he had e to paris with his wife.He had phoned her.He was intimidated...his voice trembled...and with had found the accent of China again.He knew she’d begun writing books.He had also heard about the younger brother’s death.He had been sad for her...and then he’d told her...he had told her that it was as before...that he still loved her...that he would never stop loving her...that he would love her until his death...
祝秋音的相关话题开始在网上传开,怀着身孕的她与新婚先生乘坐的直升机与总台失联,坐标在沙漠消失,目前生死不知,网上一片祈祷声。生命就是这么无常,林汐被辣椒油呛的一个劲咳嗽,没醒好的赤霞珠口感稍带酸涩,今日她同死神擦肩而过。 ↑返回顶部↑